Welcome to The SoftwareVAULT Shareware Collections from American Databankers 6506 S. Lewis Suite 250 Tulsa, OK 74136 1-918-742-2022 Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM Central 5 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS SOFTWAREVAULT CD-ROM ======================================================== 1. There are a few ways you can run SoftwareVAULT from either the CD-ROM directly or from your hard drive, depending on your preferences. Read below to learn your options. 2. The SoftwareVAULT Librarian is available in both a DOS version (SVL.EXE) and a Windows version (SVLWIN.EXE). Instructions on how to use these are included below. 3. This product is a collection of "shareware" programs and resources. Please contact the respective authors of each program to register your copy and to obtain specific technical support for any program. 4. American Databankers will offer technical support for the SoftwareVAULT Librarian program, but is not able to offer help with the individual shareware programs included on this disc. Ask your local software dealer for more information about other great SoftwareVAULT products. Enjoy this great library of software and let us know how we can better serve your needs and interests in future products! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * YOUR OPTIONS ON HOW TO RUN SOFTWAREVAULT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The rich contents of this SoftwareVAULT CD-ROM are accessed by running the program called the SoftwareVAULT Librarian, which is available on the CD-ROM in both a DOS version (SVL) and a Windows version (SVLWIN). Though you can easily run the Librarian directly from the CD-ROM, you may prefer to run it from your hard drive. Running the Librarian from your hard drive may result in better overall performance and doing so allows you to save user-specific configuration data for use in subsequent sessions. Important notes regarding the SoftwareVAULT Librarian ----------------------------------------------------- You will need at least 5.0 MB of free disk space to install the SoftwareVAULT Librarian and its data files to your hard disk. The DOS version of the Librarian includes certain additional features not included in this version of the Windows Librarian. Feel free to call us regarding future upgrades to the Windows Librarian. INSTRUCTIONS ON RUNNING SOFTWAREVAULT Following are instructions on how to run the SoftwareVAULT Librarian... ... from the CD-ROM in DOS ... from your hard drive in DOS ... from the CD-ROM in Windows ... from your hard drive in Windows How to run the SoftwareVAULT Librarian from the CD-ROM in DOS: ============================================================== 1. Log on to the CD-ROM using your CD-ROM's drive letter. e.g., from the DOS prompt type E: followed by the key. 2. From the DOS prompt, type SVL . How to run the SoftwareVAULT Librarian from your hard drive in DOS: =================================================================== 1. Log on to the CD-ROM as directed above. 2. From the DOS prompt, type INSTALL . 3. Follow the instructions given by the INSTALL program. 4. Once the SoftwareVAULT Librarian files have been installed on your hard drive, you can run it by logging to the specified hard drive directory and typing SVL . How to run the SoftwareVAULT Librarian from the CD-ROM in Windows: ================================================================== 1. Run Windows as instructed in the Windows User's Guide. 2. From the Program Manager, select the Run... option in the File menu. 3. Using the Browse function, select the CD-ROM drive, select the subdirectory "SVL" and the program on the CD-ROM titled "SVLWIN.EXE". 4. To make SVLWIN more readily useable from Windows, select New from the File menu, and create a New Program Item for SVLWIN. (Refer to your Windows User's Guide for details on how to perform this operation.) How to run the SoftwareVAULT Librarian from your hard drive in Windows: ======================================================================= Note: You will need at least 5.0 MB of free disk space to install the SoftwareVAULT Librarian and its data files. 1. Run Windows as instructed in the Windows User's Guide. 2. From the Program Manager, select the Run... option in the File menu. 3. Using the Browse function, select the CD-ROM drive and the program on the CD-ROM titled SETUP.EXE. 4. Follow the instructions given by the SETUP program. 5. Once the SoftwareVAULT Librarian files have been installed on your hard drive, and you have returned to the Program Manager in Windows, you can run the Librarian from your hard drive while in Windows as described next... 6. While in the Program Manager, double-click on the "SVL" Program Group and then double-click on the "SoftwareVAULT Librarian" icon. * * * ENJOY! * * * NOTE: A CD-ROM management door program for bulletin board sysops, "ROMDSV", was included as freeware on some earlier production runs of The SoftwareVAULT CD-ROMs. It was distributed under license from its author, but is no longer being distributed due to a high incidence of technical support problems. There are a number of such shareware door programs available, and sysops are encouraged to use the one of their choice. TECHNICAL NOTE: Under certain network configurations, you may experience a General Protection Fault issued by Windows and caused by BWCC.DLL. This fault is sometimes caused by reading this text file, closing notepad and then clicking on the "GO" button. If this conditions occurs, click on the "CLOSE" button. This will cause you to exit the setup program and return to the Windows program manager. Rerun "SETUP" from the SVL directory on the CD-ROM and click on "GO" without first reading that file.